Art & Design Education Service

My Project has been providing art&design program for college admission portfolio since 2017. My Project prepares the whole process of all student’s artwork as if it seems to be my project. Our one and only college coaching for creatives is aiming to each students art & design goal with the consistent planing to the last detail.


1. Art & Design Portfolio
- Art School /University / Art Boarding School
- Major Specific/Supplementary Portfolio

2. Art Competition

3. AP / IB Art


Rhode Island School of Design [RISD] / Art Center Collage of Design [ACCD] / Parsons School of Design / School of the Art Institute of Chicago [SAIC] / Pratt Institute / Maryland Institute College of Art [MICA] / School of Visual Arts [SVA]. / School of the Art Institute of Chicago [SAIC]
/ Otis College of Art and Design / California Institute of the Arts [Calarts] / Savannah College of Art and Design [SCAD]. / Fashion Institute of Technology [FIT] / Cornell University / Carnegie Mellon University / New York University [NYU] / UCLA/ UC Berkely / Boston University / Syracuse University / University of Michigan / Washington University / Michigan University

Architectural Association School of Architecture [AA] / University College London [UCL] / University of the Arts London [UAL] / University of Edinburgh / Manchester University / Kingston University
Art Competition Awardee

1. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
2015: Lee** (Gold Medal), Kim** (Gold Key) / 2016: Kim** (Gold Key) / 2019: Ahn** (Silver Key), Park** (Gold Key / 2020: Seo** (Gold Key), Ahn** (Gold Key), Ahn**(Gold Key)

2. Celebrating Art
2017: Kim**(Merit), 이**(Merit) / 2020: Ahn** (Merit)

3. Young Arts
2016: Kim** (Merit)

2019: Yoon** (Merit), Beak**(Merit)

5. Spark Awards
2020: Lee**(Merit)DS

서울시 강남구 언주로850 스타빌딩4층
850, Eonju-ro, Gangnam-gu, Star Building 4F, Seoul

Tue.-Sat. (10am - 8pm)

COPYRIGHT @ My Project Portfolio Prep., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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모든 이미지와
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